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 Slowwwwww pc ?

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Posts : 66
Join date : 2011-03-16

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PostSubject: Slowwwwww pc ?   Slowwwwww pc ? Icon_minitimeMon 21 Mar - 20:37

Do you have a slow pc ? lagging in the game ?
There are some solutions that some members may be unaware of that could help with increased speed and less lagg within the game. These adjustments are for pc's that are running windows XP, I am sure there are settings that may be close if you are running windows vista or windows 7, however, I do not know how close these are to windows xp.

If your running windows xp, and your pc doesn't run as good as it used to, try some of the following.....
1)Programs that run in the back ground-- Every pc has programs that you may not be using which run in the back ground, every program that is running is using memory, you can safely disable these programs and are able to free up some memory to use for the game. These programs that are disabled can very easily be accessed by a couple of clicks.
1a) To find out if you have programs running in the back ground, simply check, by doing the following. Click start button, then click on the "run", in the window that opens, type the word "msconfig" then click ok. The system configeration Utility window will appear, click on the "start up" tab. To the left of that window you see boxes, some of em are checked, while others are unchecked. The boxes that are checked are programs that are running in the back ground. To stop them from running, click on the "disable all" box, then click apply. While the window is still open, click on the "services" tab, in that window, click on "hide all microsoft services", then click on "disable all", click on apply, and close that window, you will see another window saying that you need to reboot your pc in order for those changes to take effect. Reboot your pc, and you should be good to go. Now, if you wanna start a program, simply click on your "start" button, then click on "all programs", and look for the program your trying to find.
I hope this little tutorial helped, any questions ? Just ask.
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Slowwwwww pc ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slowwwwww pc ?   Slowwwwww pc ? Icon_minitimeFri 8 Apr - 5:05

Wouldnt it be easier to just go get a faster PC? Cool

I know I know, thank you Captain Obvious

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Slowwwwww pc ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Slowwwwww pc ?   Slowwwwww pc ? Icon_minitimeMon 11 Apr - 5:41

I think in order for me and Angel to be able to do pvp in the abyss, I may have to break down and get a couple new towers.Sad
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PostSubject: Re: Slowwwwww pc ?   Slowwwwww pc ? Icon_minitimeFri 15 Apr - 6:54

Its not always the hardware thats the problem, more times than not its the software on a computer that is making it slow.

For instance, I'm playing from a laptop. Not some XPS or Alienware beast, but a Dell Precision M4400 (see specs below)

I am not running any software on this machine that has a "large footprint" on resources either foreground or background. e.g. Symantec antivirus, iTunes et al, Spysweeper. If its running in the systray its eating your available resources up and causing game lag.

Restart your computer, let it sit for 5 min with no activity, then open the task manager and look at whats running and how much memory or processor cycles its using. I bet you will be shocked.

You might already be asking "well I have to have antivirus software, and what about my iTunes! And how do I know its the problem? Yes you need antivirus, but there are better solutions out there than Mcaffee and Symantec, AVG, and the others which are very resource intensive. ClamWin is that I use, never had a problem.

Uninstall Bonjour! Its a horrible application, and is known for causing problems. You dont need it to use iTunes.

Go to your video card manufacturers web site and download the latest drivers (Disable your antivirus before installing this!) Do the same with your audio.

Make sure your OS is optimized and I suggest that you harden your OS to minimize any risks.

Enable some security on your router! If you dont have a router, meaning your plugged directly into your
modem...STOP...UNPLUG...go buy a router/switch/firewall that has some security.
Oh and if you have firewall software installed on your computer, you should have rocks thrown at you. Sygate and Zonealarm are broken and easily exploited even by noob hackers.
Software firewalls do NOT work, they are problematic on several fronts but I wont go there unless someone asks. Its not a debate, its a fact.
Back to the router/switch/firewall hardware, from a home users perspective they are all pretty equivalent and you get what you pay for up to about $150. Beyond that its just fluff. Just make sure its a manageable device that allows you to enable some firewall and security. I'm using an off the shelf Cisco Valet $70 and connecting wireless, my wife is wired, and I have a Netgear NAS that I can connect to from the outside.

In conclusion, its not always new hardware you need but perhaps a rethink of what you've got.

If you anyone needs some specific details or help, I'll do what I can.


David Phillips CISSP, CCIE, MCSE
Player of Veldspar "The Rock"
Manufacturer Dell Inc.
Model Precision M4400
Total amount of system memory 6.00 GB RAM
System type 64-bit operating system <---Windows 7 Ultimate Retail
Number of processor cores 2


Total size of hard disk(s) 149 GB
Disk partition (C:) 73 GB Free (149 GB Total)
Media drive (D:) CD/DVD


Display adapter type NVIDIA Quadro FX 770M
Total available graphics memory 3321 MB
Dedicated graphics memory 512 MB
Dedicated system memory 0 MB
Shared system memory 2809 MB
Display adapter driver version
Primary monitor resolution 1920x1080
Secondary monitor resolution 1440x900
DirectX version DirectX 10

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PostSubject: Re: Slowwwwww pc ?   Slowwwwww pc ? Icon_minitimeSat 16 Apr - 5:37

Veldspar wrote:

Oh and if you have firewall software installed on your computer, you should have rocks thrown at you.
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Join date : 2011-03-16

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PostSubject: Re: Slowwwwww pc ?   Slowwwwww pc ? Icon_minitimeTue 19 Apr - 19:13

Well, there will be a graphics update in the next Aion update, not sure how or what it will change, however, I think that anyone that has less then a dual core processor may consider getting at least a dual core. My PC for instance is approx. almost 12 years old, only thing Ive been upgrading on it is the video card, and ram. Due to the new models of vid cards, Ill have to upgrade everything else, so, rather then doing that, Ill be purchasing a quad core in the next few weeks, no sense wanting to play Aion, and allowing the Abyss to end up destroying me.
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PostSubject: Re: Slowwwwww pc ?   Slowwwwww pc ? Icon_minitime

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